Sunday, November 19, 2006

Sabbat - History of a Time To Come (Thrash 1988)

Sabbat - History of a Time To Come

I know that I already posted about a Sabbat album here once this week, but I figure I might as well do it again, and this time do the review, however short it is, myself. Sabbat's first album is much the same as their second album was, albeit a little bit more structured due to the fact that it's lyrics are not passed between different "characters" as done by Walkyier. The riffs are insane, and the time changes perfect, and the songs more apt to incite a headbang than most thrash albums. Granted, it doesn't pass Dreamweaver in epic bombastics, but this IS a Walkyier era Sabbat album, so you're going to be sure to get your listen's worth.

Link in comments.

1 comment:

The Heathen Hellion said...

Here's the link.